
Last update: April 26, 2024

GhostLib (“we,” “us,” or “our”) created the [https://ghostlib.com] (the “Site”), a platform that shares themes specifically designed for the Ghost CMS platform. These themes are created by various independent creators and are available on the internet. We do not have any rights over them, and we do not sell them directly on this website.

The Site contains links to themes. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. They do not signify that we endorse the themes. We have no responsibility for the content, functionality, compatibility, or support of the linked themes.

The Site may contain affiliate links. This means we may earn a commission if you click on the link and make a purchase from the affiliate.

We offer a page where themes can be sponsored for greater visibility. However, being sponsored does not imply any additional validation or endorsement by us.

Policy of Excellence

All themes go through a policy of excellence where they are reviewed before being published on our website. However, we are not responsible for the functionality and compatibility of the themes, as well as any kind of support.

No Warranties

We do not warrant that the themes will meet your requirements or that their operation will be uninterrupted or error-free.

GhostLib does not claim copyright, trademark, or other rights over the themes listed on our site. All rights, including copyright and trademark, of the themes listed on our site are owned by their respective creators or owners.