Ease Ghost Theme

Ease is a free Ghost theme for documentation, featuring a post carousel and related posts for enhanced content discoverability. Perfect for businesses and information publishers.

Ease Ghost Theme

Ease is a versatile theme tailored for documentation, making it perfect for businesses and individuals who want to publish information seamlessly. This free and official Ghost theme is fully responsive, ensuring that your documentation or posts look great on any device. Ease is designed to simplify the presentation of your content, providing a clean and efficient layout that is easy to navigate.

One of the standout features of Ease is the post carousel on the homepage, which automatically displays your featured posts. This dynamic carousel draws attention to your highlighted content, making it easily accessible to your audience. Featuring a post is simple; just navigate to the post settings and check the “Feature this post” option. This feature ensures your key information is always front and center.

Additionally, Ease includes a related posts feature that enhances content discoverability. Posts with the same tag as the current one are displayed at the bottom of the content, encouraging readers to explore more of your related material. This functionality keeps readers engaged and ensures they find all relevant information easily. With its clean design and practical features, Ease is an excellent choice for anyone looking to publish documentation or business information in a professional and user-friendly manner.

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