Headline Ghost Theme

Headline, a free and official Ghost theme, is ideal for local news sites with customizable sections, featured posts, and multiple post templates.

Headline Ghost Theme

Headline is a dynamic Ghost theme designed for local news websites. This free, official theme from the Ghost team excels at presenting large amounts of content across various topics. It adapts to your content by highlighting the most covered topics or allowing you to choose which ones to feature prominently.

The homepage features primary sections that display your latest articles and the top three most written-about tags. Secondary sections showcase the next three most covered tags in a minimalistic style, ensuring a clean and organized layout. For greater customization, Headline lets you create custom sections by adding tag slugs directly from the admin panel, giving you full control over the content arrangement.

Headline also offers three distinct post templates: the Default template aligns the featured image with the content width, the Wide Feature Image template expands the featured image beyond the content width, and the Full Feature Image template uses the full screen width for a striking visual impact. Additionally, the theme supports tag images, allowing you to transform tag archives with full-screen visuals and a transparent site header for an immersive reading experience.

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